Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Clearing out the frig bolognese sauce

Last night I decided that we had many random veggies and ingredients in the frig that needed to be eaten or they were going to go bad.

I had half of a red onion, half of a garlic bulb, less than a half bottle of red wine and half of a bag of spinach. I decided to make an easy half ass, clear out the frig, low cal, light fair bolognese sauce.

In addition to the half red onion, half garlic bulb, wine and half bag of spinach. I combined a yellow bell pepper, can of diced tomatoes, mushrooms, black olives, fresh back yard basil, red pepper flakes, and ground turkey.

First you sweat out the onion and garlic

Next you add the ground turkey and yellow bell pepper.

Then you add the mushrooms.

Add the spinach.

Finally add the can of diced tomato, black olives, red pepper flakes, s&p, and the basil leaves.

Pour in about 3 good pours of the red wine, or count to 3 and stop.

Let all of these ingredients simmer on low for several hours. When your ready to eat quickly boil your water and toss in your whole wheat pasta.

Shave a little parmesan reggiano on top and enjoy this light bolognese sauce along with your cleared out refrigerator!!

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