Thursday, February 24, 2011

When a man takes over the kitchen....

Just another reason why I love my husband......
Anyone who knows us will know that I am the chef and he is the dishwasher. However on Monday night he said, "honey I am going to make you dinner." Again anyone who knows me will know that Mon-Fri we eat very healthy with Sat and Sun our cheat days.
Needless to say I was really impressed with what landed on my plate on Monday night.
4 cups of raw spinach
1 red bell pepper
1 cooked chicken breast
1 cup mushrooms
2 cups diced tomatoes
whole wheat pasta (he was fancy and used spinach pasta)
crushed red pepper
sea salt and pepper
Boil water and add pasta
In your pan steam and cook down your spinach with 1/3 cup of water or 1/3 cup of veggie broth
add your diced red bell pepper
add your 2c diced tomatoes
add a pinch of S&P and crushed red pepper
once everything is cooked down add the 1c of mushrooms
at the end add the diced chicken breast.
Place the cooked pasta on you plate
(portion size should be the size of the palm of your hand)
shave a little parmigiano reggiano.
*as an easy tip for the week if you plan on grilling out on Sunday throw on 4-5 chicken breasts for the week. This way you have cooked chicken to make several lunches and dinners with throughout the week. There are many healthy things you can do with a chicken breast and clearly my husband stuck to our M-F healthy meal and has been promoted from dishwasher to a part-time chef!

Thursday, February 10, 2011

GUILT FREE TREAT.............

You said you wanted fresh baked oatmeal cookies but you did not ask for that feeling of guilt when eating one to many.........................
I love these cookies because they are BUTTER FREE and EGG FREE and still very YUMMY!!
What you will need:
1. whole wheat flour
2. unbleached white flour
3. baking powder
4. cinnamon
5. honey (preferably local)
6. brown sugar
7. rolled oats
8. white and red raisins
9. non-fat Greek yogurt
10. semi-sweet dark chocolate
11. canola oil
In a Mixing bowl mix dry ingredients first, starting with 3/4 cup whole wheat flour and 1/4 cup of unbleached white flour, 1 teaspoon baking powder and 1/2 teaspoon cinnamon. Whisk 3/4 cups of brown sugar, 2/3 cups of rolled oats, stir in 1/2 cup of the raisins, and 1/4 cup of chocolate.
In a separate bowl beat 1 cup of the yogurt with 1/8 cup of canola oil and 2 tablespoons of LOCAL honey.
Mix dry and wet ingredients and roll into a ball, and flatten. Place on a baking sheet into your pre-heated oven at 350 degrees for 17-20 minutes.
Let your cookies cool and when your husband walks in the room along with his friends and they grab a cookie and rave about how YUMMY they are, you made an amazing guilt free treat.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Brrrrrrring the workout inside..................

Snow flurries and freezing temps. Warm food, covering plants, and chipping ice off of cars. That has been our week. This weather makes you want to stay inside and snuggle up on the couch. Before you cuddle with your cutie Brrrrrrring that workout inside.
Top 10 indoor workouts that will get your heart pumping and blood moving.
1. Jumping Jacks; start with 20 and increase as your endurance increases.
2. Stationary squats; start with 3 sets of 12. Keep your knees behind you toes, plant your heels in the floor and push your hips back as if sitting back into a chair.
3. Plie' lunges; start with 3 sets of 12. Spread your legs shoulder width apart, point toes out and band your knees with arms out in front of you.
4. Jack Knifes; start with 3 sets of 12. Lay flat on your back arms flat above your head. Bring arms and legs up and back down. Contract your abs so you are not arching your lower back.
5. Back extensions; start with 3 sets of 12. Lay flat on your stomach with arms in front of you lifting you legs and arms at the same time and lowering at the same time.
6. Bicycle Crunches; start with 3 sets of 12. Lay flat on your back, bending your arms and knees and alternating, elbow to opposite knee.
7. Plank; start with 15 sec. attempting to progress to 90 sec. Pull up into male push-up position. Tighten your gluts, and abs holding your body like a plank of wood. After your time is up slowly lower counting down from 8 and hold at 2 for 10 sec.
8. Hip lift; start with 3 sets of 12. Lay flat on back lift your hips and lower 1 inch from ground, alternating your arms
9. Burpee; start with 10. Stand up, drop to push up position, push up, jump up tucking knees in and jump as high as you can.
10. Triceps dip; start with 3 sets of 12. Have your significant other drop to all fours, place your hands under their shoulder blade and hip and dip down, a chair would work just the same.
Cool down and stretch your muscles.
*Before any physical activity please consult your physician.
You should be warm and will have already forgotten that it is 19 degrees and snow flurries outside.
Keep warm and have a fun workout!