Wednesday, June 8, 2011

NEW PRODUCTS added to the Spicewood Food Co. and Yum Runnerz

Meet the twins, both from the same family but with two completely different personalities. Blue Cheese Pecan and Three Chili Spicy dipping oils. Most of you are familiar with the Spicewood lines of infused oils, balsamic vinegars, and vinaigrette's that Yum Runnerz represents. Spicewood Food Co. has been busy making up two more delicious dipping oils for your every day need.


This is a blend of blue cheese, pecans, balsamic vinegar, and oil.

This has a perfect southwest flavor with a blend of three chili's. Poblano chilies, jalapenos, and dried chilies. Infused with tomatoes, cilantro, lime juice, garlic, cumin, and chili oil. Each bottle has it's own dried chilies bathing in all of these delicious spices.

Spicewood Food Co. has an amazing assortment of infused oils, vinaigrette's, and balsamic vinegar. Their balsamic vinegar has been barrel aged for twelve years. Everyone that tastes these products has the same reaction, "WOW."
If your a chef, a specialty store, or someone that wants good flavors to add to any meal, call us. We don't bite, only when it's food!

Contact Yum Runnerz today to set up a time to sample the Spicewood line to add to your menu, or store.
As always thank you for supporting local artisans!

Please become our FAN us on FACEBOOK: yumrunnerz

Yum Runnerz

Local Specialty Food Broker

Austin, Tx

Dana McCoy

owner and official Yum Runner


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