Have you sung this
toon.........."I really need to workout today.......oops its 8:00pm and I still have not made dinner, bathed the kid, ironed my shirt, washed dishes, or kissed my husband/wife!"
Geez where did the day go? The week went, and now the New Year is here!
Ever wondered when and how you are going to fit a workout in? This year Fit Foodie McCoy a certified group trainer is bringing fitness to your door step. With all the materials to be set up at the end of your street. Day or night, weekday or weekend that imaginary workout you keep putting off will become a reality and so will those biceps and that 6 pack.
Last Sunday in the rain I held a neighborhood boot camp in my very own neighborhood. I had some serious attendees as they drove in from
Wimberley to join my fellow neighbors. They endured 60 minutes of core conditioning, strength training, and endurance exercises. Along with a meal plan for an evening. The boot camp included many exercises that can be done on your own throughout the week, no equipment needed just using your own bodies resistance.
No more driving to the gym or imagining the drive to the gym, no more stressing over when you will check this task off of your list. The gym comes to you, the certified trainer comes to you and before you know it swim suit season will be coming to you.
So I ask you, do you live in a neighborhood or an apartment complex? Do you know 1 or 2 neighbors? Do you want a
convenient way of getting your workout in for the week?
Round up a few neighbors, come up with a day and time and contact
fitfoodiemccoy@gmail.com to schedule your next neighborhood ASS WHOOPING!!!