WHO: Yum Runnerz is a food brokering service, what does that mean? Fjiguratively speaking we RUN YUMMINESS..........
WHAT: We seek out artisans in the Austin and surrounding areas who have a uniquely crafted food item that may need some extra help with contacts. Ever wish you could be in two places at once, with two extra hands? Yum Runnerz is the second person, second place, and second set of hands. We have quality relationships with those who are looking to buy local foods.
WHEN: When you buy from a local source through Yum Runnerz you are supporting 2 local businesses. The artisan and Yum Runnerz. We look and seek out quality products and pair them with the right buyer, always keeping in mind what the buyers are looking for and what the artisans goals are.
WHERE: AUSTIN, TEXAS BABY! Just to name a few of the biggest supporters who have purchased Yum Runners artisans items; Four Seasons, Trio, Greenling, Farm House delivery, New Flower, Callahans, Fresh Plus Grocery, House Wine, Royal Blue, Thom's Market, Wheatsville Coop, Black Star Coop, Zax, Jack Allens Kitchen and Uncle Billy's Brewery.
WHY: The best W of the 5, WHY? Why not? When you buy local not only does it stimulate and help support our local economy but it teaches our next generation where things come from. Buying local helps us control what we put into our bodies which in turn keeps us healthy. Without the help of Yum Runnerz you might miss out on an amazing local food item or a place to put your amazing local food item. Austin needs you and Austin needs Yum Runnerz.........
Thank you to the buyers I have worked with, buyers I continue to work with, and those I will start working with.
Tis the season to make your New Years resolution.....make it a promise to buy local!
See you next week!